Pennsylvania may well be 120 days into Budget Impasse 2015, but
the state has nonetheless spent $27 billion since July, a newspaper
has reported.

The Patriot-News‘s John L. Micek today writes:

The expenditures total nearly a full fiscal year’s worth of spendingThe Tribune-Review’s Brad Bumsted reports this morning. The money comes from a mix of state and federal sources, as well as Pennsylvania Lottery winnings and tax revenue from casinos, the newspaper reported.
“It floored me,” freshman Rep. Chris Dush, R-Jefferson, who pried the information loose via a Right-to-Know request with the state Treasury Department, told Bumsted.
Dush told Bumsted he wants to know how the money was spent. Namely, whether it went to mandatory or discretionary programs and how much of it was a pass-through from federal sources.
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