Nearly one trillion dollars of US real estate is threatened by rising seas, and the risk is already affecting home values

Nearly one trillion dollars of US real estate is threatened by rising seas, and the risk is already affecting home values — Business Insider

By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor

It’s inescapable: Global warming is real. It is triggering unprecedented droughts and raging forest fires in the west, punishing floods in farm states, and rising ocean levels along our east coast.

Taxi parking lot in Hoboken, NJ hit by Superstorm Sandy

Global warming cannot be denied, except by political idealogues, conspiracy theory spreaders, and self-serving fossil-fuel corporations. It’s getting worse by the day and the projected costs to deal with it are staggering.

Mike Italiano helped create the U.S. Green Building Council and its LEED building standards that are rewarding forward-looking companies with higher building occupancy and lower operating costs

Mike Italiano, CEO, Capital Markets Partnership

We will sit down with Mike next week for a video interview to learn about his team’s funding plan–one, he says, that would not involve tax-payer contributions.

Too good to be true? We recommend that you watch the interview, take notes, and submit your follow-up questions for Mike’s response.

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