New Jersey Lieutenant Governor and chief ribbon-cutter Kim Guadagno (AP photo by Mel Evans)

Donald Trump’s election as President has likely provided Gov. Chris Christie with an opportunity to declare that, after seven years, he’s fixed New Jersey’s problems and now plans to apply his political wizardry to national-sized challenges. 

If Trump provides the right job in his new administration, Christie can catch the last stage coach out of Dodge before the legislative villagers shoulder their pitchforks and ignite the torches for a new round of #Bridgegate hearings.

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A draft from D.C. also would finally free Lieutenant Gov. Kim Guadagno from the mind-numbing and totally under-appreciated duty of waiving the Christie flag at hundreds of feel-good ribbon cutting ceremonies and rubber chicken dinners. She’s been doing it for almost seven years without a single, noticeable public grimace (and still without invitations to inner circle Administration meetings).

Kim will have to stifle a Howard Dean-sized scream if she gets the chance to move into the big-guy’s chair and have some new Lt.Gov. appear at her side for silent photo ops. 

Politico‘s Matt Friedman speculates on Guadagno’s future in:

Guadagno could get incumbency advantage, with Christie potentially leaving for Trump

Michael Aron of NJTV NEWS discusses the rumors of Christie’s departure with Mary Alice Williams in the video report below.

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