If the axed is the chairman of the New Jersey Pinelands Commission and the woodsman delivering the chop is Gov. Chris Christie, how could it not?


Christie replaces
Pinelands chairman

In the same week
that a controversial gas pipeline through 22 miles of the Pine
Barrens was approved by state regulators, Gov. Chris Christie has removed
the chairman of the Pinelands Commission who opposed the project.

Pinelands Commission Chairman Speaks Out

his sudden replacement as head of the Pinelands Commission last week, Mark
Lohbauer won’t rule out the possibility that his vote against a
controversial gas pipeline played a role in his downfall. Lohbauer, who will
continue with the Commission under its new chairman Sean Earlen, told PolitickerNJ that the decision from the governor’s
office caught him off guard.

Christie Fires Pinelands Commissioner Chairman Lohbauer

in the Pines, Part Deux: Gov. Christie Fires Pinelands Commissioner Chairman
Lohbauer. Decision Comes Same Week as Legal Suit Against Pinelands
Commission for SJ Gas Pipeline Decision and BPU Approval of NJ Natural Gas

 Pinelands Chair Mark Lohbauer and commissioner Candace Ashmun confer at earlier meeting- Inquirer

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