George Norcross, South Jersey’s political supernova, was before the Atlantic City Press’ editorial board last week, pitching the latest (and likely last) revival for Atlantic City.
Norcross warns that the city’s government has been a cesspool of wasteful spending and that county government hasn’t been much help either in developing provable plans to attract new government or private investment.
He fears that the end of the Gov. Chris Christie’s administration–and it’s takeover of city government–will be replaced by a state regime less inclined to impose local, fiscal restraint.
Prior to the takeover, Norcross says that casino industry leaders had decided not to invest “another 29 cents” in the city, but Trenton’s control has already spurred new hope.
His solution: Persuading key casino execs and local corporate leaders to develop and promote a plan focusing on big-time entertainment.
Listen to Norcross’s pitch in the video and story on the meeting and reactions–some positive, some wary–from local players.