“I’m embarrassed our master plan seems to focus on fossil fuels,” said Ron Hutchison of Northfield, a member of 350.org, which works to combat global warming.
Like many other speakers, he said the plan should take into account the social costs of using carbon-based fuels, including the price of dealing with climate change, rising sea levels, and health problems from particulate air pollution.
Many asked the BPU to return to standards in the 2008 Energy Master Plan, calling for 30 percent of the state’s energy to come from renewable energy such as wind and solar by 2021. That percentage was decreased to 22.5 percent in the 2011 plan.
Many asked the BPU to return to standards in the 2008 Energy Master Plan, calling for 30 percent of the state’s energy to come from renewable energy such as wind and solar by 2021. That percentage was decreased to 22.5 percent in the 2011 plan.
About 70 people came out to give their input, or listen to others. Speakers took up almost the full four hours, from 1 to 5 p.m.
BPU President Richard Mroz ran the meeting. He opened by saying the state has been doing well meeting the 2011 plan’s five major goals of driving down energy costs, creating a diverse portfolio of clean new energy generation in-state, rewarding efficiency and conservation, promoting emerging technologies and using renewables.
New Jersey League of Women Voters President Nancy Hedinger said she was disappointed the public hearings were being held in August, a time when many people are vacationing and cannot participate.
Richard Jackson, executive director of the New Jersey Energy Coalition, made up of 55 members including all the state’s major electric and gas utilities, said he hoped the new master plan puts emphasis on investment in electric and natural gas infrastructure projects that improve efficiency and safety, and lower costs.
Before the hearing, environmental groups and renewable energy promoters, including the New Jersey Sierra Club, Fishermen’s Energy, 350.org, Environment New Jersey, Clean Water Action, and Citizens United for Renewable Energy held a news conference to call for approval of renewable energy projects such as the Fishermen’s Energy wind farm.
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