Bridget Anne Kelly and legal team leave federal court on Tuesday. Katherine Taylor for The New York Times

Kate Zernike of The New York Times
reports today:
Bridget Anne Kelly discussed the
George Washington Bridge lane closings with her boss, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, before they happened in
September 2013, her lawyer asserted in federal court here on Tuesday. She also
discussed them with him the week they were happening.
The lawyer, Michael Critchley, did
not elaborate on his cryptic claims, which he made while questioning a
prosecution witness.
Testimony in the trial has shown
that in the months after the lane closings, several of Mr. Christie’s top
advisers had told him that Ms. Kelly, his former deputy chief of staff, had
emails about the closings. Those people included his chief of staff, chief
counsel, press secretary, chief political adviser and an aide he had tapped to
lead the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,
which runs the bridge.
Yet Mr. Christie, a Republican,
convened a staff meeting in December 2013 and angrily demanded to know if
anyone had knowledge or emails about the closings. An hour later, he held a
news conference where he said he was certain that none of his staff members had
any knowledge of or had been involved in the scheme.
When emails with Ms. Kelly’s name
appeared as a result of a legislative subpoena a month later, Mr. Christie held
another news conference and declared that she had lied to him.
It was, Mr.
Critchley said in court on Tuesday, a “sham.”
According to testimony in federal
court here, where Ms. Kelly and another former Christie aide, Bill Baroni, are
on trial for authorizing the lane closings and then covering them up, the
governor’s office was not much concerned about finding the truth about the
shutdown in the months after they took place.
Instead, the governor and his aides,
keenly aware of Mr. Christie’s presidential ambitions and how a scandal could
damage them, were more worried about keeping any evidence implicating his
office hidden.
a former top Christie aide, Mr. Critchley offered tantalizing clues as to what
Ms. Kelly may say on the stand about what Mr. Christie knew about the closings,
which prosecutors say were meant to punish the mayor of  Fort Lee, N.J.,
for refusing to endorse the governor’s re-election.
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