** Updated to include score for NJ Congressman Donald M. Payne**
The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters today gave the highest score (100 percent) to four members of the state’s congressional delegation for their 2015 voting records on environmental issues, while lambasting the lowest-scoring for being “complicit in extreme attacks on important environmental laws and more recent progress to protect our air, water, public lands, and wildlife.”
“Despite last year being the hottest year on record, members like Congressmen (Scott) Garrett and (Rodney) Frelinghuysen put polluters’ agenda ahead of the health of New Jerseyans, safeguarding the environment, and climate action,” said New Jersey LCV Executive Director Ed Potosnak.
“Fortunately, New Jersey’s strongest environmental allies like Senators (Bob) Menendez and (Cory) Booker and Congress Members (Frank) Pallone and (Bonnie) Watson Coleman consistently stood up to these radical attacks,” Potosnak added.
The New Jersey scores were part of the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV) 2015 National Environmental Scorecard for the first session of the 114th Congress.
The LCV said it included “the most votes ever scored and reveals the most anti-environmental Congress in our history.”
In New Jersey, 7 House members and both Senators earned a score of 91 percent or greater on the 2015 Scorecard, while 4 House members earned “an abysmal score” of 11 percent or less. The average House score in 2015 for New Jersey was 52 percent and the average Senate score was 100 percent. (See map for scores of all delegations)
Congressman Sires, 94%
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