By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor
New Jersey lawmakers have made notable strides in recent sessions to boost recycling by passing bills that divert more consumer products and materials into recycling programs and away from landfills and incinerators.
Two landmark laws have been enacted to require the recycling of worn-out computers and TVs and to encourage food waste processors to invest in facilities in the state.
The New Jersey Senate’s Environment and Energy Committee today will address the next frontier in recycling with a bill that would require specific amounts of recycled content in consumer products.
Committee chairman Bob Smith’s S-2515 would impose recycled content levels in plastic containers, glass containers, paper carryout bags, reusable carryout bags made of plastic film, and plastic trash bags. The bill also would prohibit the sale in New Jersey of polystyrene loose fill packaging.
Here’s how you can follow today’s 1 p.m. hearing live or catch is after the session ends.
- Click on https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/Default.asp
- Click on large, red Live Proceedings button
- Click on Senate Environment and Energy link
If the session has ended, repeat step 1 and then click on Archived Proceedings
Having trouble opening the session? Try refreshing your browser
If the topic of recycled content is important to you, consider sharing your views by clicking on the ‘comment’ link under the main headline above. Full disclosure: the author of this post provides legislative counsel to the Association of New Jersey Recyclers, but EnviroPolitics Blog welcomes all points of view.