NYDEC recently announced the grand opening of the first segment of the New York State Birding Trail at the Mount Loretto Unique Area on Staten Island.
The Birding Trail is a new initiative to highlight the state’s world-class and wide-ranging birding opportunities, as birdwatching has quickly become one of New York’s fastest-growing recreation and tourism activities.
The New York State Birding Trail is managed by DEC in collaboration with partners in each region of the state, including the National Park Service, State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, and NYC Parks.
The statewide Birding Trail, part of the State’s Adventure NY initiative to connect more New Yorkers with nature, is expected to be complete in 2022.
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The New York State Birding Trail will include a network of promoted birding locations that can be accessed by car or public transportation, providing an inclusive experience for all visitors to find birds amid beautiful natural settings with little or no cost or investment in equipment.
DEC will open new segments of the Birding Trail as they are completed in a phased approach. Once finished, the Birding Trail will provide birding opportunities for everyone, regardless of age, ability, identity or background, across New York State.
DEC is coordinating the New York City segment of the trail in partnership with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, the National Park Service, and NYC Parks, along with Empire State Development’s Division of Tourism – I LOVE NY, and New York City Audubon.Read DEC’s news release for more information.