Gannett, the publisher of The (Bergen) Record, the (Passaic) Herald-News, and a chain of weekly newspapers has announced an additional layoff of 141 employees

Anthony G. Attrino reports for

Gannett-owned North Jersey Media Group, which publishes The Record, the Herald News and dozens of weekly newspapers – announced another round of layoffs on Monday.
“By week’s end, 141 employees are to receive notices required by New Jersey and federal law when significant layoffs are planned by private employers,” the company reported in story posted on its website,
Last year, Gannett purchased North Jersey Media Group, acquiring The Record and about 50 community newspapers across North Jersey. 
After the purchase, the company announced about half of the 426 employees working in sales and news could be let go in November. About 130 jobs were eliminated, leaving an editorial staff of just under 200 at North Jersey Media Group.
The company said the latest round of layoffs would occur “across the operation.”

The 121-year-old Record was purchased by the Borg family in 1930 and operated for decades in Hackensack until editorial operations moved to Woodland Park in 2008.

On Monday, the company announced North Jersey Media Group would restructure several departments, calling the move a “major strategic reorganization that was unveiled in September.”

“The aim of that reorganization is to continue to meet the growing digital demands of readers and advertisers while responding to changes in the publishing industry,” the company said in the online post. 

Below is the full Gannett announcement:

North Jersey Media Group announced Monday a restructuring in several of its departments, the latest step in a major strategic reorganization that was unveiled in September.
The aim of that reorganization is to continue to meet the growing digital demands of readers and advertisers while responding to changes in the publishing industry.
The reorganization will result in job losses across the operation. Despite that, North Jersey Media Group — the publisher of The Record, the Herald News of Passaic County,, a Community News Group with about 30 weekly newspapers and the (201) magazine group — remains committed to meeting the needs of readers, advertisers and communities across North Jersey.
It comes at a highly transformative time for the media industry, especially publishers with large print portfolios.
“We remain committed to transforming the North Jersey Media Group into a digital powerhouse in response to the unprecedented change sweeping throughout our industry,” said Nancy A. Meyer, president of NJMG, which was purchased in July by Gannett Co. Inc. “Our top priority is serving our readers, advertisers and communities across North Jersey — not just today, tomorrow or next month, but for years to come. The difficult actions we’re announcing today will enable us to continue building on our strong foundation and enable us to continue to deliver award-winning journalism and highly effective sales and marketing solutions to the region.”
By week’s end, 141 employees are to receive notices required by New Jersey and federal law when significant layoffs are planned by private employers.
In September 2016, North Jersey Media Group unveiled a consolidation of its three separate content divisions. Blended with an expanded digital team, the moves made NJMG one of the largest newsrooms in New York City’s metro market.
Gannett Co. Inc., the nation’s largest news publisher and creator of the USA TODAY NETWORK, purchased North Jersey Media Group in July 2016 from the Borg family.
Gannett already owns the Asbury Park Press and six other dailies in the state. The acquisition made it the largest local media operator in New Jersey. Even with Monday’s announcement, the NJMG newsroom remains one of Gannett’s largest.
“We are proud to be North Jersey’s No. 1 local news source,” Meyer said. “We are confident today’s actions will position us to remain that content and advertising leader while putting us in an even stronger financial position.”

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