Proposal would deliver rebates of $100M annually over three years to drivers who switch to plug-in vehicles

electric car black wireframe

Tom Johnson reports

for NJ Spotlight

Clean-energy advocates are still looking for ways to jumpstart the state’s efforts to phase out gas-guzzling cars in favor of plug-in electric vehicles.
Sen. Bob Smith, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Energy Committee, introduced a new bill (S-2382) that would have the state provide $100 million a year for the next three years in rebates to consumers who switch to zero-emission vehicles.
For Smith, the transformation of the transportation sector, the largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions, is becoming a pet cause.
“I just think that we’ve got to get this show on the road,’’ said Smith, who has sponsored other bills intended to energize motorists to switch to electric vehicles, none of which have made much headway yet. “Global warming isn’t waiting for anyone.’’

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