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New Jersey environmental organizations are jumping all over Gov. Chris Christie’s admission last week that he is skeptical about man’s role in global warming (Scientists ask climate-doubter Christie to stay after class).

They scheduled a climate forum “to present the overwhelming scientific findings linking human activity and climate change” and they invited the governor and his staff to attend.

If you’re planning to go, please note that the date and location have been changed to:

New Jersey Climate Change Science Forum
Noon, Tuesday, December 7
Committee Room 1, New Jersey Annex
Trenton, NJ
Speakers: Rutgers Professors Alan Robock, Jim Miller, and Paul Falkowski
Sponsors: Environment New Jersey, NJ Sierra Club, NJ Conservation Foundation, NY/NJ Baykeeper, and the NJ Highlands Coalition

A spokesman for Governor Christie says the state’s chief executive has declined the invitation.

(You don’t get to be governor by walking blind-eyed into media traps like this one).

The organizations say they subsequently offered the governor a private meeting to discuss climate-change science with the Rutgers scientists “at any that would convenient to the governor.” So far, they’ve received no response.
We suspect the last polar ice cap could dissolve before that RSVP is returned.
With Mr. Christie’s swelling national popularity among the Republican right and talk of a presidential run (not this time, but next) there’s little political advantage for him to admit to being anything but skeptical about global warming.

After all, there is not a single Republican in the House or Senate’s incoming class who admits to believing that the science supporting global warming is real.

Amazing, isn’t it, how quickly public opinion can shift?  How did this happen?
Share your thoughts in the comment box below. If you’re worried about getting caught on the wrong political side of the argument, you can answer anonymously.


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