NRG Bluewater Wind, the company which is on track to construct the nation’s first offshore wind-energy farm off the coast of Delaware (and is looking to install similar wind turbine clusters off New Jersey, Maryland and New York) is not focusing solely on the Atlantic Ocean.

The Muskegon Chronicle reports today that Mike O’Brien, the Hoboken, NJ-based company’s Great Lakes Director, introduced Bluewater to Michigan business leaders at an offshore wind briefing last week at Grand Valley State University’s Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center.

Scandia Offshore Wind — a joint U.S.-Norwegian development company — has proposed a  plan for wind turbines in Lake Michigan that has generated a well-organized and well-funded opposition group, the newspaper reports.

O’Brien seized the opportunity to note that Bluewater has a different “methodology” than Scandia and believes that ‘stakeholder outreach’ is the most important and critical factor in developing such a project. He added that, while Bluewater it has no specific site in its cross-hairs, it definitely is interested in developing in Michigan.

State legislators are working on on a bill, expected to be introduced in the fall, that will lay out regulatory rules for any wind-energy projects in Michigan waters. O’Brien said Bluewater will not propose specific projects until those rules have been established.
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