The Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee will meet on Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 10:00 AM in Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ.

The committee will take testimony from invited guests on an update to the New Jersey Energy Master Plan, entitled “2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan: Pathway to 2050.”

(The public may address comments and questions to Kevin J. Donahue, Committee Aide, or make bill status and scheduling inquiries to Carla Novatkoski, secretary, at 609-847-3840, fax 609-292-0561, or e-mail: Written and electronic comments, questions and testimony submitted to the committee by the public, as well as recordings and transcripts, if any, of oral testimony, are government records and will be available to the public upon request.)

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