Beachgoer on the boarder of Island Beach Sate Park in New Jersey. Tom Brenner photo for the NYTimes

CNN reports:

New Jersey legislators went home Saturday afternoon without passing a budget, leaving the state government shut down, the spokesman for Gov. Chris Christie told CNN.
Christie has called for the legislature to reconvene at 2 p.m. Sunday in an attempt to break the deadlock, press secretary Brian Murray said.
The governor shut down the state government Friday night after the legislature failed to pass a budget.

Going to a New Jersey State Park or Beach? Not This Holiday Weekend
Nick Corasaniti writes for the NY Times:

ISLAND BEACH STATE PARK, N.J. — This spot is usually a choke point for shore traffic, not a U-turn. Yet roughly every 10 minutes on Saturday morning, a new vehicle approached the entrance to the beach here — some packed with beach chairs, beach balls, fishing rods and anticipation — only to be met by two police cars and a barricade.

A single yellow sign stapled to a makeshift but unyielding blockade read: “These facilities are closed until further notice.”

That sunny anticipation quickly turned to frustration.

“It’s ridiculous,” said Eric Cowling, 28, who had come from Philadelphia with his girlfriend to fish, lounge and possibly camp in their truck on the beach. He said he understood the wrangling over the state budget, but said that closing the beaches and waterways on a holiday weekend was infuriating “for the fisherman and everyone else who wants to get out there and do what they like to do.”

NJ Gov. Chris Christie has closed down services and facilities that aren’t essential.

Christie adds government shutdown to his legacy

Matt Friedman reports for Politico:

Chris Christie is heading into his final six months as governor presiding over New Jersey’s biggest government crisis in more than a decade: A shutdown that will literally turn the lights out in Trenton.

New Jersey lawmakers failed to pass a budget by the annual deadline at midnight last night, and Christie promptly issued an order sparking the closure of government offices and services deemed non-essential. State parks and beaches will likely be closed this morning, just in time for the holiday, as will motor vehicle offices. Courts could be closed come Monday. Tens of thousands of state government employees will be furloughed.

And while the origins of the shutdown are complex, only one person is likely to bear the blame in the public eye: Christie.

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