Joint committee hearing on Sandy recovery - Photo 2 -Atlantic City Aug 15 2013

** Five video interviews below**

On Thursday, [Lawmakers hear other side of NJ’s Sandy recovery story] the bulk of the
testimony at a joint New Jersey Senate/Assembly committee meeting in Atlantic City
came from distraught shore residents and organizations representing the poor and
elderly who are 
still struggling to deal with the storm’s consequences.  

A number of environmental experts and organizations also had stories to tell. 

Included among them were: former NJDEP Commissioner Mark Mauriello; home elevation
expert Rod Scott; U.S. Green Building Council NJ Chapter Vice Chairman Wayne DeFeo,
NJ Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel, and NY/NJ Baykeeper Executive Director Debbie Mans.  

interviewed them outside the meeting at Convention Hall. 

Here are their videos

Mark Mauriello on the lessons the NJDEP may not have learned from Hurricane Sandy

Rod Scott on the need for trained house-elevation contractors in New Jersey

Wayne DeFeo on LEED-certified structures and Hurricane Sandy

Jeff Tittel on the need to factor in rising sea levels when rebuilding for the future

Debbie Mans on why government needs to improve response to coastal urban flooding

The Senate and Assembly environment committees plan to continue their 
oversight hearings in late September. The next meeting will be in Trenton.

Related environmental news stories

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Sandy victims seek answers from state lawmakers

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