By Marsha A. Stoltz,

OAKLAND — The borough is asking residents to get behind its efforts to oppose a Class B recycling facility proposed for West Oakland Avenue, “a short distance from homes, Potash Lake and the Ramapo River.”

The facility, if approved, would be able to bring in and process up to 900 tons of concrete, brick, asphalt, and topsoil per day.

Residents are being asked to sign a petition to oppose “Oakland Materials, LLC’s application to the BCUA because of quality of life impacts such as noise, dust, odors and truck traffic as well as potential pollution, including groundwater contamination of a sole source aquifer that provides drinking water to Oakland residents.”

The petition, as of Friday had 2,089 signatures, with a goal of 2,500.

The borough was granted a 60-day extension to produce comment

Read the full story here

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