Maureen McMahon to Serve as Executive Director, Gabriel Neville as Legislative Counsel

From New Jersey State Legislature News

TRENTON – The four leaders of the New Jersey Legislature announced the appointment of Maureen McMahon, Esq. as Executive Director and Gabriel R. Neville, Esq. as Legislative Counsel of the Office of Legislative Services (OLS).

     “I am honored and humbled by the support of the Legislative Services Commission in my appointment as Executive Director of the Office of Legislative Services,” said McMahon. “I look forward to serving the Legislature in this capacity and continuing to work with the dedicated and talented staff at OLS.”

     “I am fortunate to have spent many years working with the great people at OLS,” said Neville. “I thank the Legislative Services Commission for the opportunity to serve the Legislature in the role of Legislative Counsel.”

     McMahon, a graduate of Marist College and Rutgers University School of Law, has worked in the New Jersey Legislature since 2002. In her two decades with the OLS, she has served as Lead Counsel and Section Chief of the Utilities, Transportation and Communications Section, Acting Section Chief of the Human Services Section, and Assistant Director and Director of the Central Management Unit.

     Neville, a graduate of Queens University of Charlotte and Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, has served since 2002 with the OLS, first as Deputy / Associate / Senior Counsel in the Central Management Unit, and most recently as Senior / Assistant Legislative Counsel in the Office of Legislative Counsel.

     Both McMahon and Neville had been serving since January in their new roles in an acting capacity until their permanent appointments were approved by the Legislative Services Commission on Tuesday following a nationwide search.

     “I congratulate Maureen and Gabe on their appointments,” said Senate President Nick Scutari (D-Union / Middlesex / Somerset). “The work of OLS is vital to the lawmaking process and to the success of the Legislature in serving the people of New Jersey. “

     “The job and expertise of the entire Office of Legislative Services staff is critically important to us as legislators representing the interests of more than nine million New Jerseyans,” said Assembly Speaker Craig J. Coughlin (D-Middlesex). “We are pleased to officially welcome Maureen and Gabe on board in their leadership roles.

     The OLS is an agency of the Legislature that provides professional, nonpartisan staff support services to the Legislature and its officers, members, committees, and commissions.

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