Lauren Lalicon
Lauren Lalicon has joined the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce as director of government relations, where she will advocate for pro-business issues concentrating on economic development, taxation, and health care.

All you fellow friends of Michael Egenton (the man who knows everyone in Trenton) need not worry. Lauren will be reporting to Michael who continues in the post of executive vice president of government relations.

Lauren joined the NJ Chamber a year ago as part of a program for young professionals pursuing careers in public policy, the Payne Scholar fellowship program. She learned the ropes by representing the N.J. Chamber in committee meetings, and coordinating with Chamber members and legislators on issues of importance to the business community.
Prior to working at the Chamber, Lauren was involved with Filipino-American organizations, such as Pilipino American Unity for Progress (UniPro) and MakilalaTV, dedicated to strengthening and bringing awareness to the Filipino-American community. She serves as a member of UniPro’s Policy, Advocacy, and Research Bureau.
A resident of Spotswood, Middlesex County, Lauren graduated from The College of New Jersey with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies with a concentration in diplomacy and minors in Chinese, and law, politics and philosophy.

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