Legislation designed to keep out of landfills those partially full cans of latex and oil paint piling up in your basement or garage, passed the New Jersey Senate yesterday on a 27-6 vote and now heads to the Assembly Commerce Committee. 

S-1420, sponsored by Senator Jim Beach (D-Burlington/Camden) is modeled on legislation developed by the paint industry as a proactive solution to the potential problem of improperly discarded paint seeping through the ground into water supplies. 

To avoid this, PaintCare, a nonprofit creation of the paint industry’s D.C.-based American Coatings Association, has created a program, already operating in eight states, that provides free collection of the old paint from dealers and public recycling programs. The paint can be recycled into new paint, or other products such as non-structural concrete, asphalt and even landscaping stones.

The legislation is supported by a number of New Jersey environmental organizations, including the Sierra Club, the New Jersey Association of Household Hazardous Waste Coordinators and the Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR). 

Disclosure: Our sister company, Brill Public Affairs, provides consulting services to ANJR.,

The bill is opposed by the New Jersey Retail Merchants Association.  

Related news story
Paint recycling bill gets NJ Senate approval

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