The indictment makes Mr. Adams the first sitting mayor of New York City to be charged with a federal crime

By William K. RashbaumDana RubinsteinMichael Rothfeld,Edward Wong and Chelsia Rose MarciusNew York Times 

Eric Adams, a retired police captain who was elected as New York City’s 110th mayor nearly three years ago on a promise to rein in crime, has been indicted in a federal corruption investigation, people with knowledge of the matter said.

The indictment remained sealed on Wednesday night, and it was unclear what charge or charges Mr. Adams will face. But the federal investigation has focused at least in part on whether Mr. Adams and his campaign conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign donations.

When the indictment is made public, Mr. Adams, a Democrat, will become the first New York City mayor to face a federal charge while in office. It was not clear when he will surrender to the authorities. Federal prosecutors were expected to announce more details on Thursday.

Read the full story here

Related indictment news:
Mayor Eric Adams Indicted (New York Magazine)
Adams indicted on at least one federal charge (CNN)

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