The state’s environmental agency
says a key advisory panel will not be issuing a report on the impacts
of hydrofracking by a November 1 deadline, delaying part of the process
of allowing the natural gas drilling on some private lands in New York
until early next year.

WXXI’s Karen DeWitt reports:

The State’s Environmental Commissioner
Joe Martens, says the report from the advisory committee, will be not be
issued next month as originally planned, partly because data on costs
of fracking to other state agencies, including the departments of
health and transportation, aren’t ready yet.

Martens says the
panel, made up of industry, environmental and community representatives,
will be meeting through January of 2012 to try to issue a report that
will now also address costs to local governments , as well as the state

“There’s no firm timetable,” Martens said.

says the data on the potential costs of hydro fracking to the state is
“unlikely” to be ready in time for the governor’s budget proposal in
January, and he says if it’s not completed until February or March, it
might be “push it out” beyond the start of the new fiscal year, on April

The DEC Commissioners was asked, following the three hour
meeting, whether he thinks hydrofracking permits will be issued in

“It is really hard to predict,” Martens said. “We have a lot of work left to do”.

Martens says just the review of the thousands of comments that have
been received during an ongoing public comment period will take months.
The public comment period is scheduled to end December 12th.

Moore, with Environmental Advocates, and a panel member, says giving
the group extra time to complete its work is a “positive development”.

don’t let the budget clock dictate the state’s deliberations on this,”
said Moore. “The gas has been down there one hundred million years, it
will be down there forever, we’ve got plenty of time to get to it.”

Goldstein, with the Natural Resources Defense Council, also a panel
member, says he’s relieved that the process is slowing down a bit.

“The entire fracking train from here on in will be traveling at a more reasonable pace,” said Goldstein.

See full story here

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