Fifteen agriculture, energy and environment  bills will be considered in two committees meeting in Trenton on Monday, May 11, 2015.
Here’s the lineup:


5/11/15 10 AM
Committee Room 10, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
SCR-163 (Smith, B) (pending intro and referral) – Amends Constitution to
dedicate all State moneys received from settlements and awards in cases of
environmental contamination for certain environmental purposes.
S-2690  Greenstein, L.R. (D-14); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Allows certain on-site generation facilities to deliver
electricity without utilizing electric public utility infrastructure.
S-2691  Greenstein, L.R. (D-14); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Establishes microgrid pilot program.
S-2782  Turner, S.K. (D-15)
Requires New Jersey Turnpike Authority and South Jersey
Transportation Authority to provide natural gas refueling, propane refueling,
and electric vehicle recharging stations at certain rest areas on New Jersey
Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, and Atlantic
Related Bill: A-1728
SCR-159  Whelan, J. (D-2)
Urges President and Congress to reinstate and extend
production tax credit for wind energy.
Related Bill: ACR-143
SCR-163  Smith, B. (D-17)
Amends Constitution to dedicate all State moneys
received from settlements and awards in cases of environmental contamination
for certain environmental purposes.
Related Bill: ACR-230


5/11/15 – 2 PM
Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, New Jersey
Continuation: A-4382 Establishes “Jersey Frozen Foods
Program”; A-4383 Requires issue of “Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition
Program” food vouchers in multiple monetary denominations and establishes
pilot voucher program for community supported agriculture;
A-3944  Garcia, C.G. (D-33); McKeon, J.F. (D-27);
Auth, R. (R-39); Eustace, T. (D-38)
Allows cultivation of commercial shellfish species in
certain coastal and inner harbor waters for research and educational purposes.
Related Bill: S-2617
A-4055  Dancer, R.S. (R-12)
Prohibits NJ State Forest Nursery from undercutting
private nurseries by selling forestation stock below average market price.
A-4376  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)
Clarifies definition of agricultural deed restriction.
A-4377  Mazzeo, V. (D-2); Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)
Directs State Board of Agriculture and Department of
Agriculture to develop and adopt certain terms and standards concerning local
agricultural and horticultural products.
A-4378  Singleton, T. (D-7); Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)
Allows collection of seeds from wild native plants.
A-4379  Mazzeo, V. (D-2); Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)
Directs DOH to issue guidance concerning food safety at
farmers markets.
A-4380  Andrzejczak, B. (D-1)
Establishes multi-species depredation permit.
A-4381  Taliaferro, A.J. (D-3); Mazzeo, V. (D-2)
Establishes “Jersey Canned Goods Program.”
A-4382  Taliaferro, A.J. (D-3); Mazzeo, V. (D-2)
Establishes “Jersey Frozen Foods Program.”
A-4383  Mazzeo, V. (D-2); Taliaferro, A.J. (D-3)
Requires issuance of food vouchers in “Senior
Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program” in multiple monetary denominations;
establishes pilot program to allow Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
participants to obtain shares of farm products from community

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