A total of eleven
agriculture, energy and environment bills will be up for votes in a committee and on the Assembly floor in Trenton on Thursday, May 14, 2015.

Here’s the lineup:

Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

A-1294  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Space, P. (R-24);
Andrzejczak, B. (D-1)
Extends Right to Farm Act protections to commercial
beekeepers, with some restrictions.  
Related Bill: S-1328
A-1295  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Space, P. (R-24);
Andrzejczak, B. (D-1)
Establishes exclusive State regulatory authority over
apiary activities and allows for delegation of monitoring and enforcement
authority to municipalities.
Related Bill: S-1975
A-1296  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Space, P. (R-24);
Caride, M. (D-36)
Establishes penalty for destruction of man-made native
bee hive.
S-1328  Van Drew, J. (D-1); Oroho, S.V. (R-24)
Extends Right to Farm Act protections to commercial
beekeepers, with some restrictions. 
Related Bill: A-1294
S-1975  Van Drew, J. (D-1); Oroho, S.V. (R-24)
Establishes exclusive State regulatory authority over
apiary activities and allows for delegation of monitoring and enforcement
authority to municipalities.
Related Bill: A-1295
S-2302  Van Drew, J. (D-1)
Establishes penalty for destruction of man-made native
bee hive.
Related Bill: A-1296

A-3169  Greenwald, L.D. (D-6); Vainieri Huttle, V.
(D-37); Webber, J. (R-26)
Requires DEP to submit annual financial report on
status of certain fund balances.
A-3849  DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14); Eustace, T. (D-38);
Mazzeo, V. (D-2)
Requires BPU to provide consumer information on
third-party electric power and gas supplier pricing and services.  
Related Bill: S-2466
 A-3850  DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14); Eustace, T. (D-38);
Mazzeo, V. (D-2)
Requires BPU to establish procedures allowing electric
power and gas supplier customers to switch energy suppliers.  
Related Bill: S-2467
A-3851  DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14); Eustace, T. (D-38);
Mazzeo, V. (D-2)
Imposes contract standards between customers and
third-party electric power and gas suppliers.  
Related Bill: S-2468
A-4258  Eustace, T. (D-38); Mazzeo, V. (D-2)
Clarifies liability for discharges of hazardous
substances from drilling platforms that enter NJ waters.   
Related Bill: S-2172
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