When the governor ‘conditionally vetoes’ a bill, he returns it to the Legislature with suggested amendments that, if adopted, will guarantee his signature. 

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie yesterday conditionally vetoed the three bills below and the Assembly, on the same day, adopted his recommendations. 

Click the numbers for the first two bills to see the governor’s veto messages that contain his recommendations. The governor’s message was not available today for the third bill.

A-3954/S-2981 (Conaway, Singleton, Spencer, McKeon/Greenstein) 
Requires maximum contaminant level to be established for 1,2,3-trichloropropane in drinking water. EnviroPolitics spoke with the bill’s Assembly sponsor in this August 14 video.

A-1726/S-308 (Eustace, Lagana, Mosquera, Vainieri Huttle, Wimberly/Gordon)

Amends “Flood Hazard Area Control Act” to require DEP to take certain actions concerning delineations of flood hazard areas and floodplains

A-2579/S-1510 (Mukherji, Pintor Marin, Eustace/Smith, Bateman) 
Authorizes municipalities to facilitate private financing of water conservation, storm shelter construction, and flood and hurricane resistance projects through use of voluntary special assessments. This is the PACE bill that we featured in this June 27 post and video.

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