Today, Governor Phil Murphy signed the following bills into law:
S2607 / A2785 (Smith, Greenstein / Benson, McKeon) – Requires land use plan element of municipal master plan to include climate change-related hazard vulnerability assessment
S3230 / A5115 (Greenstein, Corrado / Moriarty, Conaway, Calabrese, Chiaravalloti) – Appropriates $30.387 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to DEP for State acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, including Blue Acres projects
A5113 / S3235 (Timberlake, Sumter, Caputo / Beach, Pou) – Appropriates $11,777,499 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to NJ Historic Trust for grants for certain historic preservation projects and associated administrative expenses
A5114 / S3229 (DeAngelo, Speight, Swain / Codey, Corrado) – Appropriates $37.16 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues for recreation and conservation purposes to DEP for State capital and park development projects
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