Posted for votes this afternoon in the New Jersey Assembly are the following bills:

A-1305  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Wilson, G.L. (D-5); Riley, C.M. (D-3)
Establishes certain requirements for a State entity planting vegetation in certain circumstances; provides for NJ businesses providing such vegetation.

A-2405  Cryan, J. (D-20); Eustace, T.J. (D-38); Benson, D.R. (D-14)
Concerns low emission and gas emission vehicles; establishes Clean Vehicle Task Force. Related Bill: S-1414
 A-2514  McKeon, J.F. (D-27)
Allows installation of solar arrays by municipalities on preserved open space in certain circumstances.  Related Bill: S-1138
 **Click on any highlighted bill number to read the full content of the legislation** 

A-2579  Mukherji, R. (D-33); Pintor Marin, E. (D-29); Eustace, T.J. (D-38)
Authorizes municipalities to facilitate private financing of water conservation, storm shelter construction, and flood and hurricane resistance projects through use of voluntary special assessments.   Related Bill: S-1510
 A-2903  Andrzejczak, B. (D-1); DiMaio, J. (R-23)
Establishes licensing program in Department of Agriculture for farmed deer and other cervids. Related Bill: S-1842
 A-2961  Andrzejczak, B. (D-1); Gusciora, R. (D-15); Spencer, L.G. (D-29)
Establishes penalty for failure to include bittering agent in antifreeze.
Related Bill: S-1341
 A-3125  Caride, M. (D-36); Eustace, T.J. (D-38); Kean, S.T. (R-30); Dancer, R.S. (R-12)
Prohibits sale or planting of certain invasive plant species.
 A-3397  Giblin, T.P. (D-34)
Abolishes Landscape Irrigation Contractors Examining Board in the Department of Environmental Protection and transfers regulation of landscape irrigation contractors to Department of Community Affairs.  Related Bill: S-2234
 S-1138  Codey, R.J. (D-27)
Allows installation of solar arrays by municipalities on preserved open space in certain circumstances.  Related Bill: A-2514
 S-1341  Van Drew, J. (D-1); Madden, F.H. (D-4)
Establishes penalty for failure to include bittering agent in antifreeze.
Related Bill: A-2961
 S-1414  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Concerns low emission and zero emission vehicles; establishes Clean Vehicle Task Force.
Related Bill: A-2405
 S-2234  Thompson, S.D. (R-12); Van Drew, J. (D-1)
Abolishes Landscape Irrigation Contractors Examining Board in the Department of Environmental Protection and transfers regulation of landscape irrigation contractors to Department of Community Affairs.  Related Bill: A-3397

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