The New Jersey Senate’s Economic Growth Committee is scheduled to take up a bill today that would require recycling operations and their key officials, salespeople and consultants to be licensed under the same regulatory framework currently required of persons operating solid waste companies in the state.

S-1351, which won’t be formally introduced until today, is sponsored by the committee’s chairman, Raymond Lesniak (D-Middlesex). It is based on the findings of a report issued in December, 2011 by the State Commission of Investigation alleging that organized crime has re-established a foothold in New Jersey’s garbage industry and also was making inroads into recycling.

The committee, which will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. in Room 1 of the Statehouse Annex, also will consider two other bills. They are:

S-658  (Stack) Prohibits imposition of sewerage service connection fee
by regional sewerage authorities and public utilities upon certain
municipalities and boards of education; and
S-1209  (Whelan) Permits NJ boat manufacturers to qualify for EDA loans
for renewable energy technology, equipment, or systems.

[UPDATED at 12:50 p.m.  — The committee took testimony this morning on S-1351 but postponed a vote until its next meeting which currently is scheduled for February 16]

More energy and environment legislation in committee on Thursday

On Thursday (February 9), the Senate Environment and Energy Committee will consider the following energy and environment bills:

(Connors) Establishes Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Program in
DEP and appropriates $200,000 therefor from Drug Enforcement and Demand
Reduction Fund. Related Bill: A-638
S-246  (Gordon) Prohibits drilling technique of hydraulic fracturing. [See related story below]
Related Bill: A-567
S-822  (Smith) Revises “Electronic Waste Management Act.”
Related Bill: A-1459
S-831  (Smith) Establishes notification requirements for combined
sewer overflows.
S-1083  (Smith) Establishes certain apprentice hunting licenses.
Related Bill: A-1544
S-1177  (Smith) Prohibits the use of certain fishing gear on artificial
Related Bill: A-1343
S-1460  (Sweeney) Requires deposit of property tax refunds for certain
industrial sites under federal or State orders for remediation with
commissioner of environmental protection to help ensure compliance.
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