Nine pieces of energy and environmental legislation are up for discussion and votes today
in three
Assembly committees meeting in Trenton. 
Among them are proposals to provide tax credits for electric vehicle charging stations, extend certain development permits for an additional two years, tighten industrial pollution cleanup requirements, take a new look at the state’s Pollution Prevention Act, and expand the definition of “renewable energy.” 
Here’s the lineup: 

03/12/12 10:00 AM
Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

  Wagner, C. (D-38); Coughlin, C.J. (D-19);
Fuentes, A. (D-5)
Provides corporation business tax credit and gross
income tax credits
for purchase and installation of certain electric vehicle
charging stations. 
A-638  Rumpf, B.E. (R-9); Conaway, H. (D-7); Gove,
D.C. (R-9)
Establishes Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Program in
DEP and appropriates
$200,000 therefor from Drug Enforcement and Demand
Reduction Fund.
Related Bill: S-176
A-1338  Greenwald, L.D. (D-6); DeCroce, A. (R-26);
Green, J. (D-22)
Extends expiration date of certain development permits until December 31, 2014,
rather than December 31, 2012, as
provided in current law.
Related Bill: S-743

A-2294  Greenwald, L.D. (D-6); Burzichelli, J.J.
(D-3); Riley, C.M. (D-3)
Requires deposit of property tax refunds for certain
industrial sites under federal
or State orders for remediation with
Commissioner of Environmental Protection
to help ensure compliance.
Related Bill: S-1460
03/12/12 12:00 Noon
Committee Room 14, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
A-1527  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3); Quijano, A. (D-20)
Concerns Watershed Property Review Board in DEP.
Related Bill: S-525
A-1534  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3); Quijano, A. (D-20)
Requires DEP to conduct analysis of “Pollution
Prevention Act.”
A-2584  Ramos Jr., R.J. (D-33); Caputo, R.R. (D-28);
Amodeo, J.F. (R-2)
Requires DEP to allow for correction of technical and
administrative permit
application violations.

03/12/12 12:00 Noon
Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

A-1383  Chivukula, U.J. (D-17)
the definition of Class I renewable energy to include in-State biomass
other  “alternative sustainable technologies” approved by the
state DEP.
A-2314  Chivukula, U.J. (D-17); Benson, D.R. (D-14)
Requires State to use energy-efficient outdoor lighting
fixtures. The fixtures would
need to comply with design requirements intended to minimize light pollution by
directing the light where needed in facilities like parking lots. 
Related Bill: S-1422


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