Howard Birdsall in center – APP Photo by Thomas B. Costello

The onetime head of a prestigious Monmouth
County, NJ engineering firm that met its demise during a state pay-to-play
probe pleaded guilty today to corporate misconduct in a plea bargain that calls
for a 4-year prison term, Kathleen Hopkins reports in the Asbury
Park Press

Howard Birdsall
, 72, of Brielle, the former chief executive
officer of Eatontown-based Birdsall Services Group, entered a
guilty plea to misconduct by a corporate official in a brief proceeding before
Superior Court Judge James Den Uyl.

Birdsall admitted concealing or
misrepresenting political contributions, in violation of state law, and also
reimbursing Birdsall employees for political contributions they had made.

He acknowledged the scheme netted a benefit in
excess of $75,000 to himself and others.

Birdsall, also the former longtime
chairman of Brookdale Community College’s board of trustees, admitted that he
operated Birdsall Services Group for the furtherance of a commission of a crime
from Jan. 1, 2006 through May 31, 2012.

He made the admissions by replying with
simple, affirmative answers to questions posed to him by his attorney, John P.

Firm’s downfall 
Birdsall was indicted March 26, 2013 along
with his firm and six other of its key executives, in a case that swiftly led
to the demise of one of New Jersey’s oldest and most prestigious engineering

The state Attorney General’s Office alleged
then that the firm and its executives deployed a scheme to skirt the state’s
pay-to-play law by masking corporate political contributions as individual
campaign donations and then reimbursing employees who made the donations in the
form of company bonuses.

The state alleged the firm and its executives
made more than $1 million dollars in illegal campaign contributions that,
had they been reported as corporate political donations, would have
disqualified it from public contracts.

Authorities at the time of the indictment
alleged that Howard Birdsall made at least $49,808 in illegal campaign

Birdsall, in entering his guilty plea, agreed
to forfeit that amount and turned over a check to the state in court to cover
the forfeiture.

Deputy Attorney General Anthony Piccione said
the plea agreement also calls for Birdsall to be banned for 10 years from
bidding on public contracts or doing any public work, and that eight other
criminal charges against the defendant will be dismissed.

He said he will recommend a four-year prison
term for Birdsall with no period of parole ineligibility. The sentencing date
is April 22.

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