Bayway Refinery in Linden, NJ – Star-Ledger file photo by Frank H. Colon |
Yesterday, we totaled up four new developments in the expanding controversy over N.J. Gov. Chris Christie’s proposed pollution settlement with ExxonMobil. Governor Christie’s Exxon settlement drawing more heat
Today it’s time to add Number Five–a lawsuit brought by environmental groups
S.P.Sullivan reports today for that:
A coalition of environmental groups has filed court papers in an effort to block a controversial pollution settlement between Gov. Chris Christie’s administration and Exxon Mobil.
The groups, which include the New Jersey Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, Delaware Riverkeeper, Environment New Jersey, NY/NJ Baykeeper, the Natural Resources Defense Council and New Jersey Audubon, filed a motion to intervene in the deal on Wednesday.
The agreement, which has rankled environmentalists and some state lawmakers since it was leaked to The New York Times in February, would require the Texas oil giant to pay $225 million for contamination at two North Jersey refineries and industrial sites and gas stations around the state.
Christie has defended the settlement as the largest of its kind in state history, one that comes on top of ongoing remedial cleanups at the sites.
Critics have called on the judge to reject the proposed deal because at a trial last year, attorneys for the state claimed Exxon owed nearly $9 billion for decades of dumping, spills and leaks at the two refineries, known as Bayway and Bayonne.
They have also criticized the Department of Environmental Protection and the Attorney General’s Office for not releasing more information on the 16 other facilities and hundreds of gas stations that were also included in the settlement deal.
Related news stories: Mayor de Blasio Tells New Jersey to Reject Deal With Exxon – New York Times
Environmental groups file motion to intervene in Exxon settlement litigation – PolitickerNJ
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Paulsboro Payout Raises New Questions About New Jersey Exxon Settlement – CBS Local

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