New Jersey’s environmental politics gets weirder–and more entertaining–each day.

The state’s most rambunctious environmental lobby, the Sierra Club, has been pummeling Governor Jon Corzine for months. This week, they upped their attack, calling him the worst environmental governor in memory. Somewhere, Christie Whitman must be chuckling.

The other Christie — Chris Christie, the Republican who wants to send Democrat Corzine packing in November–picked up on the Sierrans rant in a TV ad. That extra free coverage must have pleased the Sierra Club, no?

No, no, no it didn’t. The organization that runs on outrage is now incensed that the Christie campaign used their logo in the ad.

All this prompted the Star-Ledger’s resident iconoclast, Paul Mulshine to serve up this not-to-be-missed column in which he leaves the final word to none other than Buffalo Springfield.

Jeff Tittel’s Words May Come Back To Haunt NJ’s Environment

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