Additional Acreage Will Be Protected from Urban Sprawl

More of the state’s dwindling agricultural land would be protected from development under a pair of bills approved by both houses of the New Jersey Legislature this week.

“In the nation’s most densely populated state, the preservation of farmland is vital,” said Senator Kip Bateman (R-16), the prime sponsor of both bills.

“New Jerseyans have overwhelmingly supported efforts to save farms from development, recognizing the importance of agriculture to our state legacy. This legislation will allow future generations to appreciate the many contributions of farmers and the impact of farms and open space on the quality of life in our communities,” Bateman said.

S-3227, co-sponsored by Senator Richard J. Codey, D-27, would help a series of qualifying nonprofit organizations complete projects for a dozen farms with voter-approved funding from the Corporation Business tax.

S-3226, co-sponsored by Senator Dawn Addiego (D-8) appropriates money for farmland preservation purposes to the State Agriculture Development Committee (SADC).

“When farmland is preserved, it helps protect our water supply, continues the Garden State’s farming traditions, and limits over-development,” Bateman said. “These bills represent an investment in New Jersey’s future that will pay dividends for generations to come.”

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