Will environmental critics hurt the re-election chances of the guy on the left?

Four years after endorsing Republican Chris Christie for governor, the New Jersey Environmental Federation (NJEF) last week admitted they had screwed up big time
and this go-round would be supporting his opponent, Democrat Barbara Buono.

The organization released a chart (Governor Christie: THEN and NOW) showing Christie’s environmental promises as a candidate and his delivery (according to the NJEF) since then.  

Yesterday, Tom Moran, the chief editorial writer for the Star-Ledger also teed off on the governor’s environmental record

"When it comes to climate change, he (Christie) has been monstrously hypocritical:
He says precisely the right words, and then does precisely the wrong thing
," Moran wrote.

The governor’s campaign spokesperson Kevin Roberts says the criticism is unfounded.
He claims that the governor
‘s policies are "creating jobs and protecting the environment
at the same time."

The NJ Sierra Club, which opposed Christie four years ago, has barely allowed a day
to go by since without issuing a news release criticizing his administration. Other green
groups either have not yet endorsed a candidate (both campaigns are in their early stages)
or have policies that keep them out of political battles. 

What’s your opinion on Chris Christie’s environmental record? Let us know
in the opinion box below. If one is not visible, click on the tiny ‘opinion’ link.

Related environmental news stories:
Gov. Christie’s towering hypocrisy on climate


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