Patty Cronheim, of Hopewell, is the new campaigns director for the NJ League of Conservation Voters.

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters has named Patty Cronheim the organization’s new campaigns director. New Jersey LCV is the statewide political voice for the environment, advocating for environmental policy and holding elected officials accountable.

Through her position as campaigns director, Cronheim will be developing, overseeing and leading New Jersey LCV and the New Jersey LCV Education Fund’s environmental campaign plans, including stormwater utility and clean energy campaigns. She will work to bring together stakeholders to ensure an equitable transition to renewable energy that protects the health and safety of all New Jerseyans.

Cronheim’s community organizing and volunteer activities are numerous. She leads Hopewell Township Citizens Against the PennEast Pipeline, and serves on the Climate Advisory Committee for the NJ Sustainable Business Council, and works with the Mothers Out Front Health Impacts Advisory Committee. She also is a board member of The Watershed Institute.

Prior to joining New Jersey LCV, the Hopewell resident worked as the outreach coordinator at ReThink Energy NJ, where she helped foster the transition to renewable energy to reduce the use of fossil fuels. She organized communities statewide to improve their health and safety by opposing fossil fuel projects, such as the PennEast Pipeline and the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project.

Cronheim holds a bachelor’s degree in film and television from New York University and a master of science in nutrition and applied physiology from Columbia University.

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