
Widely used on a variety of crops, chlorpyrifos has been linked to potentially harmful effects in people

Tom Johnson reports for
 NJ Spotlight:

The state is moving to ban the use of a pesticide linked to potential harmful effects in humans, a step considered but ultimately rejected by the Trump administration.

Under legislation to be taken up by the Senate Environment and Energy committee today, the use of chlorpyrifos (CPS) would be prohibited in New Jersey, seven months after the bill (S-3405) is enacted.
CPS, widely used on a variety of crops like apples, grapes, and soybeans, is now a restricted-use insecticide in New Jersey, which means it can only be purchased and used by certified and licensed pesticide applicators.
At the end of the Obama administration, scientists at the federal Environmental Protection Agency recommended the product be banned, but Scott Pruitt, the new administrator reversed the decision.
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