This looks like a great program tomorrow at Stockton University in Galloway, NJ.

It is co-sponsored by Environment New Jersey, the Stockton University Sustainability Trust and the Business Network for Off-Shore Wind

Organizers say the forum comes after the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s sale late last year of two leases for offshore wind energy development off the Jersey Shore to RES Americas and US Wind Inc., as well as Fishermen’s Energy continued efforts to develop a 5-turbine wind farm off the coast of Atlantic City. 

The forum will address the development plans for each developer, the opportunities for New Jersey to become a leader of an offshore wind energy industry, and the potential economic market created for this industry through the introduction of an offshore wind renewable energy credit (OREC) system. 

Panelists include representatives of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), RES Americas, US Wind Inc., Fishermen’s Energy, and New Jersey’s 2nd Legislative District. Also, there will be a special video statement from Senator Cory Booker directed to the audience on the importance of offshore wind energy in New Jersey.

A keynote address will be delivered by Deputy Director Walter Cruickshank of BOEM, and multiple Q & A sessions are planned. Light refreshments will be served at the forum’s conclusion.

More information is available at Enviro-Events Calendar  

Plan to attend? Please RSVP here for your general admission ticket (no cost). 

If you can’t make it, you still can listen to the entire event  via live stream.  

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