A company that hoped to build a hazardous-waste incinerator in lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania has put its efforts on hold indefinitely and a law firm across the river in New Jersey is taking the credit.

Route 13 Bristol Partners had been seeking a variance from the Bristol Township zoning board to build the 50,000-square-foot incinerator. Attorney Allen Toadvine said the firm withdrew its zoning application in a letter on Wednesday.

"We haven’t decided to pull out totally," he attorney said. "But we need additional time to gather that information. And once we do that we’ll decide whether to reapply to Bristol Township."
Toadvine said that the township had asked had asked for more specifics on the potential release of pollutants, but he said that the firm would need to choose a manufacturer for the plant before it could provide those details.

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The proposal for the incineration of pesticides and pharmaceuticals near the Delaware River drew heavy opposition from the governing bodies and residents of downwind towns Bristol, Pa and Burlington, NJ.

Florio Perrucci Steinhardt & Fader, the law firm hired by the City of Burlington to fight the construction, seized the opportunity to announce the project’s retreat in a congratulatory news release that included this cheeky bit of name-dropping:

"Named partner and long time environmental protection advocate, Governor James J. Florio and Firm partner Louis Cappelli, Jr., have been heavily involved in the matter, zealously representing the City of Burlington’s concerns…"

To the victors belong the PR spoils.

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