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Recyclers in New Jersey, the first state in the U.S. to mandate the recycling of newspapers, glass bottles, metal cans, and certain plastics, wants to go back to the future and re-capture material in your trash can that once fattened tens of thousands of Garden State pigs–food waste.

ANJR (Association of New Jersey Recyclers) which has county and municipal recycling coordinators and private recycling business among its members, is proposing a change to the state’s groundbreaking recycling law that would encourage the recycling of  food waste from large generators–like food processing companies, supermarkets, and universities.

It won’t affect your household today but, if enacted, ANJR believes the law would encourage private companies to recognize the business opportunity and build plants in the state. At least one already is under construction in Gloucester City and others are seeking DEP permit approvals..

Former NJDEP Chief of Staff Gary Sondermeyer, who became vice president of operations at Bayshore Recycling after retiring from government service, explains why ANJR believes the change would not only benefit the environment but also generate new business in the state and cut costs that large food-waste generators now pay for waste disposal.

Watch the video and tell us what you think of the idea by clicking on the tiny ‘comments’ link at the bottom of this post.

[Disclosure: Our sister company, Brill Public Affairs, provides legislative counsel to ANJR] Related environmental news stories:
New regulation requires grocers, others to better manage food waste – Milford Daily News
Massachusetts implements food-waste ban – WCVB Boston 
University awarded for reducing food waste – UTA The Shorthorn

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