Since there has been no notice of cancellation as of 9 a.m., we assume that the Senate Environment and Energy Committee will meet, as scheduled, at 10 a.m. today in Room 10 of the State House Annex in Trenton.

Here’s the committee’s agenda:

The committee will discuss the formation, organization, process, and timetable for the stakeholder group that will submit recommendations on proposed legislation regarding public access to beaches, tidal waterways, and their adjacent shorelines.  

Bills for consideration:

S-765  Smith, B. (D-17)
Requires, after study, DEP to adopt total maximum daily
loads for Barnegat Bay ecosystem, and requires DEP to adopt nutrient standards
for NJ marine waters.
     Jan 25, 2016   – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-766  Smith, B. (D-17); Greenstein, L.R. (D-14)
Creates Office of Clean Energy in BPU.
     Jan 25, 2016   – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-769  Smith, B. (D-17); Greenstein, L.R. (D-14)
Requires environmental sustainability plan for State
House Complex.
     Jan 25, 2016   – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-969  Smith, B. (D-17)
Implements 2014 constitutional dedication of CBT
revenues for certain environmental purposes; revises State’s open space,
farmland, and historic preservation programs.
     Jan 25, 2016   – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy

Click here to listen live or after the meeting  
**NOTE: Internet Explorer is the only browser that will allow access to the broadcast**

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