For weeks the Sierra Club has been pummeling New Jersey Democratic Governor Jon Corzine for his record on environmental issues, as Corzine’s re-election campaign has worked to chip into a lead held by his Republican rival, Chris Christie, the state’s former U.S. Attorney.

Today, the environmental organization totally severed strings to Corzine–the man they endorsed for governor four years ago–by throwing the club’s weight behind Independent candidate Chris Daggett.

Daggett, a former commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and a former Regional Administrator for the federal Environmental Protection Agency, recently qualified for public campaign funding and for a position in upcoming TV debates.

“By endorsing Chris Daggett for governor, the Sierra Club not only made the principled choice but the right choice,” NJ Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel said. “Chris Daggett has shown leadership and a real commitment to protecting our environment. He has demonstrated his willingness to stand up to special interests and politicians to do what’s right for the environment. It’s very rare when you have the opportunity to endorse someone of such principle and integrity with a broad background in environmental issues.”

Here’s the Sierra Club’s news release on the endorsement and press coverage from NJ Newsroom, Statehouse Bureau and the Associated Press.
How important is the Sierra Club endorsement? Will it prove to be a boost to Chris Christie by eroding some of Corzine’s liberal base? Or will it provide Corzine with more mainstream appeal? Will it propel Daggett, still a virtual unknown among voters, into the limelight as he looks to capitalize on his “outsider” status in the critical, upcoming debates?
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