New Jersey’s Agriculture Secretary Douglas H. Fisher today announced that $500,000 is available in cost-sharing grants to farmers and landowners to help them implement soil and water conservation projects on preserved farms.
Soil and water conservation projects include those designed to control and prevent soil erosion and sediment damages; control pollution on farmland; impound, store and manage water for agricultural purposes, and improve management of land and soils to achieve maximum agricultural productivity.
Examples of eligible projects include terrace systems; diversions; stream protection; water impoundment reservoirs; irrigation systems; sediment retention, erosion or water control structures; drainage systems; animal waste control facilities; agrichemical handling facilities, and forest tree stand improvement.

U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will provide technical assistance to applicants and will assist landowners in planning and implementation of conservation practices in support of the Soil and Water Conservation Grant program.

Landowners should apply for soil and water conservation grants at their local NRCS office. Completed applications will be forwarded by NRCS to the State Soil Conservation Committee, which will approve and recommend eligible projects to the SADC for funding.

The State Agriculture and Development Committee (SADC), the grants administrator, will provide 50 percent cost-sharing for eligible projects. Maximum grant amounts will be determined by acreage under common deed ownership. 

The grants are funded by legislation recently signed into law by Governor Christie that appropriated $65.3 million for farmland preservation, including $1.5 million for soil and water conservation grants and other stewardship activities on preserved farms.

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