NJ Spotlight News Virtual Roundtable Series:
New Jersey’s Climate Future:
The Science, Politics & Planning

This will be an online event only.  Please register to have a viewing link emailed to you the afternoon of the event.

Storm Flooding: Wednesday, February 7th, 4:00-5:15 pm


Amanda Devecka-Rinear, Executive Director, New Jersey Organizing Project | New Jersey Resource Project
Brooke Maslo, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Mark McDonough, President, New Jersey American Water, Senior Vice President, American Water
Mayor Richard M. Onderko, Borough of Manville, New Jersey
Jon Hurdle, Water & Environment Writer, NJ Spotlight News

Moderator: Briana Vannozzi, Anchor, NJ Spotlight News

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