mail pile 

If you ever send mail to air, water,  waste or several other compliance and enforcement units within the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, please note that their formerly separate Post Office box numbers have been consolidated.
Here’s how the DEP explains it:

“In a State-wide effort to reduce costs and streamline the handling of mail, a consolidation of PO Box numbers throughout the DEP has occurred. Effective July 1, 2010, Compliance & Enforcement will no longer be utilizing PO Box numbers 407, 411, 422, 437, and 441; instead, all mail to the Trenton campus will be consolidated into PO Box 420 and include a mail code that represents the Bureau or Unit. This affects not only the air, water and waste program areas but also the multiple related units within Compliance & Enforcement including Exams & Licensing, Pesticides, Manifests, Medical Waste, Hauler Registrations and A901, Utilities, and County and Local oversight (CEHA).”

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