It Pay$ to Plug In
It Pay$ to Plug In:
NJ’s Electric Vehicle Charging Grants

It Pay$ to Plug In provides grants to offset the cost of purchasing and installing electric vehicle charging stations. The program is designed to expand New Jersey’s growing network of electric vehicle infrastructure, allowing residents, businesses, and government agencies to purchase and drive electric vehicles. EVs dramatically reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality for everyone.
We are accepting applications for our waitlist in anticipation of funding becoming available!

Eligible Projects
  1. Workplaces: Charging stations for employees who drive electric vehicles. Examples include workplace chargers for employees who drive electric vehicles to work, and chargers for fleet vehicles.
  2. Public Places: Charging stations that are open to the public. Examples include charging stations in downtown areas, public parking lots and garages, hotels, transit centers, leisure destinations, colleges and universities, retail parking areas, and public parks.
  3. Multi-Unit Dwellings: Charging stations for multi-family residences, including apartments, condominiums and townhouses.

For more information, see the FlyerFrequently Asked Questions, and Application Form and Instructions.
Still have questions? Email us at or call (609)292-7953.

Eligible Applicants

Private residential dwellings other than multi-unit dwellings are not eligible for grants.

The program is open to all other applicants: Businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions.

Reimbursement Amounts

Upon completion of work in accordance with the eligibility criteria,NJDEP will reimburse each applicant for a percentage of eligible costs, up to a maximum of:

  • $750 per Level 1 charging station;
  • $5,000 per single-port Level 2 charging station;
  • $6,000 per dual-port Level 2 charging station.
Location Charging station available to the general public Charging station on government-owned property Charging station on non-government-owned property
Public place Yes 100% up to maximum 80% up to maximum
Workplace No 60% up to maximum 60% up to maximum
Multi-unit dwelling No 60% up to maximum 60% up to maximum
How to apply for a Charging Grant

Step 1: Complete the Application FormProject Information FormCertification ChecklistDeadlines Acknowledgement FormW-9 Form, and sign your business up for NJStart if you haven’t already. Visit the It Pays to Plug In FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Step 2: Submit to NJDEP Bureau of Mobile Sources at
Step 3: If the grant application is approved, NJDEP will provide and execute a grant agreement with the applicant.
Step 4: Install charging station(s) within 9 months of NJDEP grant execution. Do not purchase or install equipment before your grant has been executed. Completed projects are not eligible.
Step 5: Complete and submit the Reimbursement Request Form along with paid invoices to NJDEP Bureau of Mobile Sources at
Step 6: After NJDEP review and approval of provided invoices, grant funds will be disbursed.
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