Robert Walton reports for Waste Dive:

Distributed generation is already paying off for New York, and state regulators say they want to ensure more is added. The PSC says distributed generation has helped lower carbon emissions and boosted economic activity, along with generating ratepayer savings, and helping grid resiliency.
Proposals, which the commission said would be important steps in “the evolution of the state’s VDER policy,” include:
  • A consideration of enhanced and additional opportunities for electric customers to receive market transition credits in areas of New York where CDG market development has not been strong.
  • Alternative incentive mechanisms may be developed for community solar in areas where CDG development has been successful, including Central Hudson Gas & Electric and Orange and Rockland service territories.
  • Regulators want to make improvements in calculating and compensating the distribution value of distributed resources.
  • Another idea is to consider the extension of net energy metering to systems up to 750 kW, in cases where onsite energy generation is primarily used to satisfy a customer’s demand.

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