Greenwich Mayor George Shivery outside DuPont plant in 2011- Tim Hawk photo
A long-shuttered gunpowder factory along the Delaware River is set to become a privately owned port in a major deal announced by (New Jersey) officials on Friday
afternoon, Michelle Caffrey reports in SJ Times.
"State Sen. President Steve Sweeney led a press conference in Greenwich Township to announce the sale of the township’s former DuPont Repauno plant to Fortress Investment Group, which aims to turn the dormant 1,800-acre property into a port-related industrial park for imports and exports.  "
"This has been a very long journey," Sweeney said about the more than nine years of marketing, searching and negotiating of the sale of the plant, a brownfield site that’s been the subject of environmental remediation by state and federal agencies.
"We finally got to the place we wondered at times if we would," said Greenwich Mayor George Shivery. "This is a great day for Gibbstown … We’re talking about jobs, talking about ratables and we’re talking about bringing Gibbstown back to the level it was 20 years ago."
Friday’s announcement capped off years of discussion about what the plant could become in its next life, with talk of a port being considered since at least 2011.

Unlike the Port of Paulsboro — another project long in the works that has gained traction recently as its first tenant was announced last fall — the entire port will be privately owned by Fortress, a New-York based investment group that invests in and operates ports
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