Harvesting the Power of Ocean & Tidal Energy – A small team of engineers based in Cornwall, England, have made a breakthrough with the development of a turbine that they claim could solve the commercial viability of tidal power. Known as the Osprey turbine, the technology can be used to create electricity offshore at sea — or in tidal rivers and inland waterways. (Renewable Energy Access.com)

Secret Kiwi fuel ingredient is pond scum – Air New Zealand and airliner manufacturer Boeing are secretly working with New Zealand-based biofuel developer Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation to create the world’s first environmentally friendly aviation fuel, made of wild algae. If the project pans out the small and relatively new New Zealand company could lead the world in environmentally sustainable aviation fuel. (Sydney Morning Herald)

Business Roundtable CEOs Take Stand on Climate Change – A broad-based group of CEOs acknowledged the reality of climate change July 17 with the release of a policy statement urging collective action. The Business Roundtable, an association of 160 CEOs from top U.S. companies, supports efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions while emphasizing energy and fuel efficiency, and the funding of green technology and science. (GreenBiz.com)

Global warming and stylish cows – PennEnvironment holds a press conference in Philadelphia to talk about the danger global warming poses to Pennsylvania. Columnist J. D. Mullane stops by “to see when the Commonwealth will be plunged into the apocalypse” and then filed this report. (Bucks County Courier-Times)

And to think I’ve been lusting for a laser printer – That laser printer sitting on your desk could be emitting high levels of potentially hazardous particles, according to a study published today.Some printers released almost as many ultra-fine particles as a smoldering cigarette, the study authors said. (Chicago Tribune)

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