I so miss “Succession,” the HBO drama about the insanely wealthy family with the sniveling, greedy kids and the completely amoral father. These were bad guys that you loved to hate. Oh, and what fantastic wealth porn. The only way the Roys traveled was on their private jet, expansive yacht or chauffeur-driven limo.

The affection TV viewers had for this totally worthless and filthy rich family likely provides at least one explanation for why Christie’s excoriation of Jared Kushner was our most popular Opinion piece this week. I mean this wasn’t a slight diss by our former governor, it was a full-on takedown of one of New Jersey’s wealthiest and most dastardly families.

Christie, never the one to mince words, makes it clear that Jared, in his mind, is corrupt. “The grift in this family is breathtaking. It’s breathtaking,”  Christie says theatrically. “Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner walked out of the White House and two months later they get $2 billion from the Saudis?” 

Columnist Tom Moran then lays out the filthy deeds committed by Charlie Kushner, Jared’s daddy. These are the completely amoral crimes that landed Charlie in prison courtesy of then-U.S. Attorney Christie.

Corrupt father, loving son who wants to be just like dad? Actually, the Kushners’ story might make a juicier tale for TV than the Roys or the Murdochs. And Christie’s narration would be scrumptious. But until HBO, or Max, buys the rights, you can check out this sordid story in Moran’s column.

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